How to Create an Exit Interview in Workday HCM: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals

In order to understand why employees leave and how to make the workplace a better place to work, exit interviews are an important part of the employee lifecycle. Robust tools for efficiently organizing exit interviews are available in Workday Human Capital Management (HCM). In this article, we’ll go over the basics of making an exit interview in Workday HCM, including why it’s important, how it works, some examples of its use, and answers to often asked questions.

Importance of Conducting Exit Interviews

  1. Gathering Feedback: When employees leave a business, it’s a great opportunity for them to express constructive criticism by talking about their experiences in an exit interview.
  2. Understanding Turnover: Human resources experts can be proactive in addressing problems by evaluating data from exit interviews to find trends and causes of employee turnover.
  3. Enhancing Employee Retention: The expenses connected with high turnover rates can be mitigated by implementing measures informed by insights obtained from exit interviews, which aim to increase employee satisfaction and retention.
  4. Improving Employer Branding: The company’s image and its ability to recruit top talent can both benefit from showing that leadership is willing to hear employees out and act on their suggestions.

Benefits of Using Workday HCM for Exit Interviews

  1. Centralized Data Management: You can easily access, analyze, and report on comments thanks to Workday HCM’s centralization of all exit interview data.
  2. Automated Workflows: HR professionals may save time and maintain consistency using Workday’s automated workflows that ease the exit interview process.
  3. Customizable Templates: In order to make sure that pertinent questions are asked during exit interviews, Workday enables organizations to build configurable templates.
  4. Integration with Other HR Processes: For a streamlined experience, Workday’s exit interviews can be connected to other HR procedures like offboarding and employee records management.

How to Create an Exit Interview in Workday HCM

It takes multiple steps to create an exit interview in Workday HCM. To assist you, we have provided the following detailed instructions:

Step 1: Navigate to the Exit Interview Setup

  1. Log in to Workday.
  2. In the search bar, type “Exit Interview Setup” and select the task from the search results.

Step 2: Create the Exit Interview Template

  1. Template Name: Enter a name for the exit interview template. This should be descriptive and indicate its purpose.
  2. Description: Provide a brief description of the template and its intended use.
  3. Questionnaire: Add the questions you want to include in the exit interview. Workday allows you to choose from different question types, such as multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scales.

Step 3: Configure the Exit Interview Workflow

  1. Assign Participants: Specify who will be responsible for conducting the exit interviews. This could be HR managers, direct supervisors, or a combination of both.
  2. Schedule Notifications: Set up notifications to remind participants of upcoming exit interviews. You can also configure reminders for employees who need to complete the exit interview.
  3. Approval Process: Define the approval workflow for the exit interview process. This ensures that the collected data is reviewed and approved by the appropriate stakeholders.

Step 4: Deploy the Exit Interview

  1. Publish Template: Once the template and workflow are configured, publish the exit interview template to make it available for use.
  2. Assign to Departing Employees: Employees who are departing the company should be given the exit interview. Either a human or an automated mechanism that is part of the offboarding workflow can accomplish this.

Use Cases for Exit Interviews in Workday HCM

  1. Voluntary Resignations: When workers willingly depart an organization, it’s a good idea to interview them to find out why they left and where things could be improved.
  2. Involuntary Terminations: Even though they are more delicate, exit interviews with employees who have been fired for no apparent reason can reveal underlying problems or miscommunications that contributed to the dismissal.
  3. Retirement: Conducting exit interviews with departing workers is a great way to get their thoughts on their time here and any useful information about the company as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How can I ensure confidentiality in exit interviews?

The ability to establish settings in Workday HCM to preserve the confidentiality of departure interview responses is a great feature. Anonymizing responses or limiting data access to authorized HR professionals are two examples of what this may entail.

Q2: Can exit interview data be integrated with other HR analytics?

Indeed, different HR analytics tools can be coupled with the exit interview data in Workday HCM. By doing so, you can examine patterns and trends in employee feedback in conjunction with other indicators related to the workforce.

Q3: How often should we review and update our exit interview template?

Your exit interview template should be reviewed and updated at least once a year, or if there are major changes in your organization. Doing so keeps the questions current and relevant to the organization’s objectives.

Q4: What should we do with the feedback collected from exit interviews?

Exit interviews should be evaluated to find trends and useful insights in the feedback. Inform HR plans, create a better work environment, and boost employee retention by sharing these insights with the right people.

Q5: How can we encourage departing employees to complete exit interviews?

In order to get people involved, you should stress how valuable their opinions are for making the company better. Make sure everything is clear-cut, be mindful of their time by conducting a brief interview, and guarantee that their answers will remain secret.


Improving organizational effectiveness and understanding employee churn requires conducting exit interviews in Workday HCM. Human resources professionals can develop insightful departure interview processes that motivate good change by following the methods given in this guidance. Exit interviews, when done correctly, have the potential to significantly improve workplace culture, employee happiness, and retention rates.

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