Why are US Hospitals Choosing Iris Biometrics for Patient Identification?

With the advent of technology, method of identification is rapidly changing. It is becoming increasingly popular in healthcare services. Even in early 2000, we were used to having the traditional method of notebook registration verification. By the grace of technology, the automation process of identification became easier through time. In developed countries such as United States, most of the healthcare institutions are accustomed to using the fingerprint verification for patient identification. It is needless to say how important this is for medical institutions. This method has minimized various fraudulent activities in healthcare services. However, it is most unfortunate that even the swindlers have adapted the technology and started using against the service institutions. Nowadays the fingerprint scanning can also be duplicated for unwise activities. World Health Organization (WHO) has defined that accurate patient identification is one of the nine priorities to improve patient safety. According to statistics recently, 67% of the errors in blood transfusions are due to misidentifications, 13% of all adverse effects that harm patients in
surgeries are due to wrong identifications. It is unsurprising to say that these days’ fingerprint identification is being duplicated easily by cunning individuals for identity theft and replicating medical records. Research at the ECRI Institute paints a grim picture of how deeply troubling and harmful patient identification errors can be. In examining 7,613 cases of wrong-patient errors at 181 organizations.

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Some hospitals may choose fingerprint biometrics with the confidence that their patient demographic has excellent skin integrity and would not object to this modality. Other hospitals may choose to deploy palm vein biometrics for patient identification or finger vein, both of which use near infrared light to map out a vein pattern beneath the skin’s surface. Although it still does not ensure safety for patients. The fingerprint identification method can be imitated and used for unfair means. Researchers assume that fingerprint method is soon to become obsolete by 2050. It is high time we come up with stronger security methods. As a solution, Iris recognition has been introduced quite recently and it is proving to be a great commander of security. Numerous healthcare organizations have started experimenting this new method and the results are outstanding. Hospitals have evaluated the results and decided that iris recognition is the most optimal biometric modality for patient identification. If asked what Iris recognition method is, some people may say that they learned about its usage from Hollywood spy movies where they scan the retinal parts of the eye to identify an individual. On the other hand, some people have no knowledge about this supreme technology. Also, some people might object that it violets the rules of one’s privacy. However, the same people are these days educating themselves regarding the importance of Iris biometrics. It is only a matter of time when patients start learning about the impact of this technology.

According to research, Iris recognition is arguably the best discovery of modern technology. Iris recognition is an automated method of biometric identification that uses mathematical pattern recognition pattern techniques to scan the eyes of an individual. It can be both eyes or just one. These patterns are unique and quite impossible to replicate. Hence, it provides the maximum security for identification. The Iris scanning method is chosen by many organizations not only because it ensures maximum security but also it is flexible. The Iris scanning app is available for smartphones and it can also connect to a PC as a USB. Although fingerprint identification used to identify patients at desk, Iris is used in medication process which requires the highest protection. Using the hospital tablet, the nurse first identifies the patient and then matches the medical records. Right after, the nurse redirects the patient to the right doctor to prescribe medicines or for a follow up. This process ensures patient safety as an error can cause a lot of difficulties. Further, the Iris scanning method takes less time and cost effective. If this automation process becomes widely used in healthcare organizations, it can save a lot of money and provide highest level of security.

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In United States, more and more hospitals are acquiring Iris biometric technology to minimize medial system errors. This advanced Iris biometric technology has brought many benefits to both the hospital and the patient such as: no more patient harm due to wrong identification, zero fraud by patient identity theft, reduction in healthcare spending and zero ‘second victims’ no more nurses or doctors suffering when involved in patient harm caused by identification errors. It is most vital for any healthcare organizations to implement highest security methods not just for their own protection but for the patients too. It Is a game changing method that is being implemented in different parts
of the world to tighten security.

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