Looking for Guest Blogging Opportunity?

Write for us! Decisionmakershub.com accepts guest content for publication as long as the topic of your content is related to business, marketing, productivity, workforce management, or technology. After you submit the content, we will review it within 3-5 business days and publish it on the site. In the case of revisions, we will inform you about that too.

Blog Writing Guidelines

We are aimed at a general and global audience; Please keep these guidelines in mind when drafting your article:

  • Keep your submission short: 800-1000 words only.
  • Use a minimum of technical, academic, or legal jargon; write simply and directly; use short sentences.
  • Place the most important points at the top.
  • Embed hyperlinks to open sources to support your arguments. We do not publish footnotes or endnotes.
  • Whenever possible, link to sources in English or another widely spoken language.
  • Provide background information; do not assume readers know about your country or topic.

So, what are you waiting for? send in your valuable piece of content via this email tpteam6@gmail.com.

Content Collaboration Proposals

Decisionmakershub.com also contribute content in the form of guest blogging to other blogs and websites that are in the same niche as ours. So, If you are also a blogger who would like to form some sort of a content collaboration agreement, please feel free to send us your proposal through our email tpteam6@gmail.com.

Review Request Submission

Please send us your product/service review request via this email tpteam6@gmail.com for prompt response. Your email will go straight to our review team. Please note that we get a very high volume of review requests for business and technology related products and services and aren’t able to review them all or respond to each request individually.

We would always love to hear from you!

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