21 Places Offering Business Freebies for Your Startup

Looking into starting your own business? Or do you already run your own? Either way, you’re well aware of how expensive it can be to open and run a business.  From hiring the right talent to finding the perfect location, there are plenty of ways to spend your hard-earned cash.

Although this is normal, there are ways to cut costs initially so you have the chance to make your business profitable first. For example, rather than hiring a PR agency to handle your editorial needs, you can rely on free writing and editing software to check over your shoulder for you. While this doesn’t offer the same expertise as experienced professionals, it will save you a whole lot of money in the nascent stages of launching and running your business. Once you’ve begun to generate solid revenue, then you can think about hiring that PR agency.

The same process goes for the other aspects of running your business. From site analysis tools to SEO software and invoice generators, there are tons of sites out there offering freemium services so that you can save. The best part about it is that you can upgrade to a premium account if you want, but you don’t have to. That means you can take advantage of these services for as long as you need!

So that you’re aware of all the ways you can save, Wikibuy has compiled a list of 21 business freebies for you in the infographic below. Check it out to see all the ways you can save!

Please include attribution to wikibuy.com with this graphic.

21 Places to Get Free Startup Tools and Software

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