You’ve used natural language processing technology if you’ve ever used predictive text. But it has many more uses than just helping you finish sentences in texts and emails. […]
How to Make Sound Decisions
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Gut as a Decision Maker The most common misconception in corporate leadership and career advice is “trust your intuition.” As a decision-maker, you’ve […]
Don’t cut your marketing spending just yet
We can all feel it: a new era is starting in the tech scene of Startup Nation. One that is much more focused on making money than on […]
Field Service Software Can Help SMB Level the Playing Field
Even if a field service company is quite large, there are several aspects that remain constant. Field service providers are under increasing pressure to match rising customer expectations […]
Marketing analytics will take business decision making to the next level
Real-time marketing statistics are becoming increasingly important for companies in the age of digital marketing. Modern marketing relies heavily on data analytics. Businesses can’t determine if their marketing […]
Best CRM for Any Small Business – Top 4 CRM Product
When it comes to finding the right CRM software for small businesses, there are literally hundreds or even thousands of options to select from nowadays. CRM software makes […]
Increase Workplace Autonomy with the Help of Technology
“They’re keeping an eye on you at work,” says the voice. “AI Is Pervasive in Our Everyday Lives.” “What People Don’t Like About Algorithm-Based Management.” We’re used to […]
Data analytics is increasingly being used to inform company choices and drive day-to-day operations. DDBDM (data-driven business decision-making) is a means of making authoritative decisions based on actual […]
Experience-Driven Business Technology Is the Future
Since the invention of the abacus, technology has played a role in business. In contrast, as the complexity of technology expanded from beads to mainframes, the manner in […]
What C-Suite Executives Need to Know About the State of the Economy
The majority of those who hold executive positions in companies have studied economics at some point, but the majority of them were taught the incorrect part of economics, […]
What are business software?
An application is a computer term for a program or group of programs that work together to do something. Business application software is a package that does something […]
What are the types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It’s safe to say that artificial intelligence (AI) is one of humankind’s most sophisticated and fascinating inventions yet. Furthermore, the topic is still extensively untapped, which implies that […]
What Makes Facilities Management So Essential?
Facilities management has a variety of responsibilities, but no matter what the business, it is always critical. BSI defines facilities management as “the integration of procedures within an […]
What does facility management software do?
Running and managing numerous building facilities might be a demanding undertaking if you have to do it the traditional manner. You have to maintain and manage different building […]
How To Support Employee Wellness Goals
Employees all across the world have been faced with much adversity and abnormal challenges as a result of the Coronavirus, and have struggled to efficiently and effectively balance […]
5 Ways Facility Management Software Can Help You Save Time and Money!
Repetitive administrative procedures are time-consuming and tiresome when it comes to managing your facilities. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of software options that may help you streamline […]
Enhance your field service operations with these best practices
So many variables come into play when it comes to field service management. In addition to managing field workers, coordinating schedules, tracking equipment, and responding to emergencies, you […]
Field Service Mobile Apps Improve Enterprise Productivity in 5 Ways
Having a CRM on hand takes care of your inside sales team’s needs. For individuals who spend a large portion of their time outside the office, what will […]
Five different types of building management software (AND WHICH ONE YOU SHOULD USE)
While conducting research on building management software solutions, it’s probable that you’ve come across a number of abbreviations, like CMMS, CAFM, IWMS, EAM, and a slew of other […]
How Field Service Management Apps Save You Time and Money
Field Service Management (FSM) software includes managing field operations and procedures such as order management and product maintenance, dispatching items, maintaining inventories, tracking delivery vehicles, managing schedules, and […]
How to pick the finest field service management software?
When searching for the finest field service management software system for your organization, you need to fully grasp what’s necessary to suit your demands, both today and into […]