Mastering Customer Service: 13 Essential Tips for Building Customer Loyalty The provision of excellent service to clients is essential to the functioning of every prosperous business. Not only […]
Why Do Some Sales Managers Fail?
The job of a sales manager is one of the most difficult occupations in the market and sales industry. One needs to adopt a number of techniques and […]
Rainwater Harvesting – Collect and Store The Cleanest Rain Water From Your Roof!
Water is life. If it is life, it is undoubtedly precious, and such precious things need to be saved. Rainwater harvesting is necessary for water to be available […]
Six Ways No-Code Development Platform Eases the Workload on Software Engineers
Depending on whom you consider, there were between 19 million and 24 million software engineers in the world in last year. It is very likely that these number […]
How much does CMMS software cost for a business?
Pricing plays an important role in deciding which computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) the business should invest in. They need a tool to maintain equipment and facilities but […]
Worker monitoring tools see surging growth as companies adjust to stay-at-home orders
In light of recent events due to the pandemic, we have adopted the idea of remote working experience all around the world. By the grace of our modern […]
How to Monitor Your Remote Employees and Businesses with CloudDesk
Are you concerned whether your remote employees are working properly or not? Are you worried about whether you are investing your money after the right people or not? […]
Monitoring Employees Working from Home Using Computer Tracking Software
We are all trying to meet that deadline working from home. But sometimes it gets tricky. While 60% of professionals reported more productivity because of the elimination of […]
Employee monitoring tools see a sudden rise in demand as more companies move to work-from home strategy
Are you familiar with the term employee monitoring tools? Due to the recent pandemic hit the world has been facing a lock down nearly about three months now. […]
The Top 10 Best Sales Management Software Features
When deciding which sales management software to invest in, implement and make use of, it is imperative that you search for sales management software that is best suited […]
Top 10 best employee computer monitoring software features
Can you believe that we are living in the best moment for creating and using employee computer monitoring software? Even before facing the COVID-19 outbreak, 70% of the […]
7 Reasons to Invest in CMMS Software
The success of the business comes first when the operational activities are efficient. Current businesses are optimizing their operations through efficient work order management systems. As a leader, […]
Employee monitoring tools see a sudden rise in demand as more companies move to work-from-home strategy
The recent pandemic has broadly introduced one culture in the business world along with many other changes that it brought, which is work-from-home. Before coronavirus, work-from-home was not […]
Why does the US healthcare system badly need a Unique Patient Identifier?
In a nutshell hospital are busy and complex places where talented and dedicated individuals are doing remarkable work to save lives. Hospitals with proper management systems are able […]
How can the US healthcare system prevent medical identity theft?
According to the Federal Trade commission, 87,765 cases of medical and insurance related identity theft have been in reported in 2018. Medical identity theft is when someone uses […]
Why are US Hospitals Choosing Iris Biometrics for Patient Identification?
With the advent of technology, method of identification is rapidly changing. It is becoming increasingly popular in healthcare services. Even in early 2000, we were used to having […]
Why are US hospitals choosing iris biometrics for patient identification?
The infinite power of human imagination can help utilize what biometrics technologies may look like. Today one of these technologies, iris recognition, has finally been realized. First of […]
Does Patient Engagement in healthcare services improve the outcome?
Patient engagement refers to the process in which the patients actively work together with the healthcare providers to improve their health, reduce their medical costs and enhance their […]
The link between patient engagement and patient experience
The link between patient engagement and patient experience and how it reduces the hospital readmission rate To determine the link between patient engagement (which is a broad concept […]
The Best Facility Management Software Review for Small Businesses
Facilities are no longer just a place where employees just work. Nowadays, facilities play a big role in driving performance, enhancing a company’s culture, and attracting growing talents. […]
Best Way to Identify Patients Correctly and Ensure Infection Prevention
Infection control has always been a topmost priority for healthcare providers – they are constantly looking for ways to prevent infection incidents within their facilities, known as hospital-acquired […]